About IPIN

About six years ago, the Lord has given us a vision about ministering to pastors and their families. Many pastors have fallen by the wayside due to pressures from their church, family and their own personal issues. The devil knows that if he can smite the shepherd and his family, somehow the sheep will be scattered. The church is still the most important force God uses for His kingdom, and the enemy will do his utmost to destroy that.

Hence, the vision of ‘Impacting Pastors, Impacting Nations’ (IPIN) was born. We are committed to bless the pastors and their family so that they can continue to fight the good fight for the sake of God’s kingdom.

Over the past six years, we have organized various fully sponsored Pastors Retreats, Pastors’ Wives Retreat and a Pastors’ Kids Retreat. Our last Pastors’ Kids Retreat, which was held in Kuantan in December 2010, was a great success. Many Pastors’ Kids (PKs) are quietly suffering from the hurts and pressures that come from being in a pastors’ family; and as such, were greatly encouraged to find fellow PKs who are going through similar situations. The retreat saw the 109 PKs being ministered to and greatly encouraged to support what their parents are doing in serving the Lord. Also, out of this inaugural retreat, the Pastors Kids Fellowship Malaysia (PKFM) was born!

This year, we are again partnering with the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship Malaysia (NECF) and the newly formed PKFM, to organize another Pastors’ Kids Retreat. There will be 138PKs gathered in Bukit Gambang Resort City, Kuantan from the 15th – 17th December. If you are a PK and in need of spiritual assistance or fellowship, come and join us! Follow the steps and register.

May God bless you richly as we labor together for His Kingdom!

Yours in Christ,

Roland and Evelyn Seow

Senior Pastors of FGA Melbourne
Founders of IPIN